Beloved Hollywood manager Peter Meyer, known for representing A-listers like Tom Hanks and Kevin Costner, passed away at 68 due to Sarcoma. His sister shared, “After a heroic five-year battle against sarcoma, Meyer found...

Shots Taken At The Perfect Time

Shots need some elements in them to be called soul-captivating! Photography is beautiful. You can capture anything. All you need is some talent and a good eye. Many lucky people seem to have taken perfectly...

11 Signs Your Body Is Giving You Important Alerts

While they may not all be cause for concern, some common signs our bodies give us as warnings of bigger problems often get ignored. When our health is at stake, it’s always better to be safe than sorry....

26 Pictures That Need A Second Look

Our eyes may lie to us more often than we think. Optical illusions are seen in everyday life. Viral Strange will list some pictures that really need a second look. Our eyes may lie...